Welcome to the Panther Band Family!
The Smyrna Middle Band is open to any student who wishes to learn how to play a band instrument. Incoming 6th graders are added to the program at the start of the school year. Beginning band students do not need any previous band experience! Students will be individually fitted to an instrument by the directors to help them select an instrument. Instrument rental is EASY and AFFORDABLE!
If you are moving to our school from another school we encourage you to continue with band at SMS! Before a student will be added to the band, a director will contact the parent or guardian to talk about various requirements for our program. Our door is always open to new students! Please contact us via the contact page if you have any questions regarding our band.
Band students CAN participate in all other clubs and activities and be a part of the band!
Have questions?
Contact Mrs. Mears at mearsl@rcschools.net

Beginning middle school is overwhelming enough, and band may become too much.
The transition to middle school is often made easier when a child is involved in a unifying activity such as band.
No one in my family is musically inclined so my child will not possess the necessary talent.
False. Many band students are the first ones in their family to play an instrument. Prodigies are rare; talented musicians are created through practice and nurturing.
Band interferes with athletics and after-school activities.
False. Since band is a regular academic class, it does not interfere with athletics and other after-school activities. After-school rehearsals are rare and performances are scheduled with athletic activities in mind. Most of our band members participate in athletics and/or other clubs.
Students will have to choose between band and other performing arts like choir / drama.
False. At SMS band meets during the school day as a regular academic class while choir and drama meet after-school. In fact, band students are HIGHLY encouraged to participate in choir and/or drama.
My child will have too much homework and will not have time to practice.
Since band students are often in other activities, the independent practice expectation is fifty minutes per week. That is just 10 minutes a day and many students often complete their individual practice during our open bandroom practice time between 7:15 and 8:00 each school day.
Instruments are too expensive.
Most students rent their instrument through a music store. During our informational meeting, we will explain how your child can get a quality instrument for an affordable price.
Can my child just wait until seventh or eighth grade to join band?
No. Beginning Band is offered only during the sixth grade at SMS. The program follows a strict three-year curriculum and prerequisite musical skills are necessary for students to experience success in seventh and eighth grades.